Monday, September 28, 2009

Why lingerie?

Most people who know me or know about me also know that many of my start-ups have been technology companies and they inevitably are compelled to ask..." did you make the jump from software and technology to lingerie?!?"

It always makes me smile, but there are really 3 primary reasons for it and they're pretty straightforward:

  1. Fashion has always interested me and been a part of my life. I believed that my foray into fashion should start the same way we all get dressed in the morning.
  2. I see a tremendous opportunity in this highly fragmented and extremely profitable industry.
  3. I'm good at it. The fashion industry is one where my eye for detail is a great asset.
From a business standpoint, people understand intimate apparel. The brand we've created in Marc Wayne easily conveys the image of classy, sexy, sophistication we're going for. But mostly, since the inception of Marc Wayne Intimates (formerly Vertu Lingerie) our customers and potential customers have created so much momentum for us that it would be really hard to ignore the opportunity.

So, "why lingerie"? It just made sense, it's fun and the customer is extremely passionate about the product. Also, the industry is fairly accessible to newcomers. The toughest challenges are creating a distinctive product and creating brand authenticity. But I would argue those challenges apply to any product.

What has always made me successful is my ability to give the customer what they want. However, in addition to giving them what they want, to go beyond and impress them. Make them say, "wow!" Marcel Wanders, a phenomenal designer says it best: "always give them the unexpected."

It's true becoming a lingerie designer seems like a jump but really the same principles apply; get the requirements from the customer, deliver accordingly and exceed their expectations.

That being said, becoming a public figure as Marc Wayne has been an interesting journey. The fashion shows, gorgeous people, flashing lights...even the silk and lace are glamorous in every way. Fashion has the same seductive appeal as Hollywood and it's easy to get caught up in the persona. But at the end of the day, my life is full of meetings and design sessions. In some ways it's not as exciting as many people would expect. But as a businessman it's the most exciting business I've ever been a part of.

As an entrepreneur I've started several companies and I've consulted for countless others. After a while you begin to get a "feel" for momentum and success. You can tell when things are clicking and when a team is executing. More importantly, you can tell when your customers are excited about what you're doing. Marc Wayne Intimates, I'm proud to say, has all of the above.

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